
give me back that foot, give me that foot.

my computer cord is busted. i now have to do all my surfing on my dads pc.

today i went to fort lee and visited my darling grandmother helen. she is so happy to be a great grandmother!

since parker always has to wear bibs, i decided on a new look for her. i think its much 'cooler'.
i like to call it the 'hispter bib'
i even captured her mid drool.

im going on vacation sunday and i cant wait. some of my besties are going to be there. i.e. pat, amy, jessica, my whole family. i cant wait! i am going to meet my new second cousin and eat losters and so much seafood!

then on the 30th i come to atlanta for 5 days. cant wait.



  1. soooo cute. you would love boopalinaandbebe.com


  2. Hooray, New Hampshire! (Hooray 6 am flight!)
    Parker is way cooler than me.
